Cross Academy.

Founded by Kaien Cross, the Academy is attended by two groups of students; the Day and Night class. At twilight, the Day class returns to their dorms as the Night class begins. The two groups often crossing paths. Cross Academy offers many different classes, clubs, and events!

Day Class.

The Day Class refers to the students of Cross Academy, during the daylight hours. These students live in the Sun dorm and are not permitted to leave the grounds after dark. It is a custom for Day Class students to wear black.

night class.

The Night Class refers to the students of Cross Academy, during the night hours. These students live in the Moon dorm. The Night class is heavily guarded by the disciplinary committee, due their rich and famous status. It is a custom for Night Class students to wear white.

The Day Class attend Cross Academy during the day hours and live in the Sun Dorm. They are admitted traditionally, although a handful of students considered "troubled" have been dropped off at the university by their families as a distraction, hoping that the seclusion would be enough to tame them. The Academy gladly accepts these students as they're considered expendable for the duration of the study.

They are kept segregated from the Night Class. Only humans in the Disciplinary Committee know of their true identities. Any other Day Class student discovering the secret will have their memory wiped.

The Night Class is a secret group of vampires, which attend Cross Academy during the night hours and live in the Moon Dorm. The Academy keeps the segregated from the Day Class in hopes of keeping the secret hidden. The Disciplinary Committee is used as guardians for the Night Class, protecting them from prying eyes and making sure they don't get out of line.

There is a hierarchy of vampires that includes multiple tiers. Some are more rare than others. Level B (or Aristocrats) are the most common at Cross Academy.

Each type of Vampire has different powers. Vampires higher in the hierarchy have more powers and unique abilities.

Level A ( "A Class" )

are the Purebloods; the rarest, most elite, and most powerful class, whose blood lines have never mixed with humans. They are the monarchy of the vampire race, meaning that they are very powerful and demonstrate many abilities such as being the only vampires able to turn humans into their own kind. The Senate holds Purebloods in extremely high regard, to the point where it is taboo to kill or even harm a Pureblood vampire.

Level B ( "B Class" )

are known as the Aristocrats. Every Aristocrat has a special ability along with the power to heal faster, have more strength and move more quickly than humans. These are also very powerful vampires, but not as powerful as Purebloods, due to having a small amount of human blood in their ancestry. These vampires are still able to be compelled by Purebloods, but enjoy a much more independent lifestyle in general.

Level C ( "C Class" )

These vampires were humans once before but have now reached a stable mindset and are known as general or regular vampires. They only have super speed, strength and healing powers that are all stronger than the average human.

Level D ( "D class" )

are humans who have been turned into a vampire by a Pureblood rather than being born as a vampire. “Level D” vampires are the transition period between a turned vampire going mad or stabilizing. In order for an ex-human to have a stabilized mind, they must drink the blood of the pureblood that originally bit them. These ex-humans would eventually go mad with blood-lust and become a "Level E".

Level E

The E in Level E represents the word "end" because after falling to level E, it's usually the end of their life after losing control. Level E vampires are permanently mad from blood-lust. If the vampire does not want to die, they will have to drink the blood of the Pureblood that bit them. The consequence is that the Pureblood would have complete control over the person and that person would have to accept becoming a vampire. They are the lowest form of vampires and do not make it to the ranking.

– All vampires have heightened senses like their ability to smell blood from a great distance.

– All vampires have accelerated speed, they are able to appear beside someone instantly.

– All vampires display an accelerated healing. The purer the vampire blood, the stronger the healing factor.

– All vampires have super strength, and can can tear through flesh with ease and destroy large concrete structures (walls, pillars, etc.) as well as leap great distances.

– Aristocrats most commonly display the ability to control an individual element, such as fire, ice, lightning, etc.

– Decelerated aging: the purer the vampire blood, the longer the life of the vampire. Purebloods are immortal. They age very slowly and they can only be killed if someone cuts off their head or if they are continuously immobilized and shot/stabbed in the heart with an anti-vampire weapon.

– Purebloods have the ability to erase memories, to use animals as a familiar, and to use telekinetic powers, which can be highly destructive.

Fine Arts

Applied Music

Liberal Arts

Political Science
Gender and Sexuality Studies


Aerospace Studies
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
General Engineering
Entertainment Engineering and Design


Business Law
Business Administration
International Business


Biological Sciences
Mathematical Sciences

Clubs & Societies

Student Council (3/4)
The voice of the student body who serves to connect students and the administration. They provide a platform for the student body to positively impact the University, and are comprised of student leaders who have a sincere desire to leave this University better than they found it.

  President – 0/1
  Vice-President – 1/1
  Secretary – 1/1
  Treasurer – 1/1

Disciplinary Committee (4/5)
Seeks to keep peace between the two classes by monitoring them during the switch at sunrise and sunset. Most students stay up at late hours to oversee that no students from the Day Class sneak over to the Moon Dormitory.

  President – 1/1
  Vice-President – 1/1
  Members – 2/3

Student Sustainability Collective (3/5)
Advance sustainable practices on campus make environmental sustainability integral to the Academy. This passionate group of students maintains a beautiful garden on campus, and is sometimes called the Gardening Club.

  President – 0/1
  Vice-President – 1/1
  Members – 2/3

Winfield Society (4/5)
A dining club where students express themselves through holding high-scale dining events while supporting our sports programs with an annual charity.

  President – 1/1
  Vice-President – 1/1
  Members – 2/3

Tea Society (2/5)
The Tea Society doubles as a book club and hosts weekly meetings for discussions of both classic literature and tea.

  President – 0/1
  Vice-President – 0/1
  Members – 2/3


Archery (4/5)

  Captain – 1/1
  Members – 3/4

Contemporary Dance (4/5)

  Captain – 1/1
  Members – 3/4

Equestrian (3/5)

  Captain – 1/1
  Members – 2/4

Fencing (2/5)

  Captain – 1/1
  Members – 1/4

Ice Skating (2/5)

  Captain – 0/1
  Members – 2/4

Swimming (3/5)

  Captain – 1/1
  Members – 2/4

Volleyball (4/6)

  Captain – 0/1
  Members – 4/5


Commencement Dance - A masquerade dance held at the beginning of the term. More details will be announced soon.